Throughout my three years in The Rotunda, I have changed so much. Though I joined The Rotunda knowing I did not want to write or be a journalist, I found the perfect place for me.
While having the position of event coordinator for the newspaper, I have made so many friends, figured out what I want to do after graduation and learned so many different aspects of journalism.
Throughout my time working for the newspaper, I realized my passion for event planning as well as public relations and recruitment. When I graduate from Longwood University, I will be working for Inova Children’s Hospital in Fairfax, V.A working with their community relations department. Without The Rotunda, I do not think I would’ve realized my passion for event planning and PR.
I am thankful for The Rotunda for teaching me to be dedicated and involved as well as introducing me to so many amazing people. I love my Rotunda family and will never forget them.