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The Rotunda
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Senior Column: Payton Conway

Payton Senior Image

When you've dedicated yourself to an organization for four years, it's difficult to let it go, especially when that organization becomes your family. My first week at Longwood, I went to my first Rotunda meeting. I was clueless about writing and was still the scared, shy kid that was afraid to speak. Still, I left that meeting with my first writing assignment and a new sense of purpose (though I didn’t know it yet). Throughout my four years, I have proudly worked as Features staff, Features Editor and Rotunda Studios Executive Producer. The task of reviving Rotunda Studios is probably my most challenging, yet most rewarding accomplishment at Longwood; it’s my baby. I almost wished I had one more year to further build it, but I’m proud of what we’ve done and I know that Nicole and the Rotunda Studios staff will only continue to better it.

During my tenure, The Rotunda has come a long way. We went from being just a weekly newspaper to an independent news outlet with expanding social media, a broadcast section and E-editions. We have put in a lot of long nights, sweat and tears because we believe that the work we do is worthwhile. And believe me, I am so proud of not only my work with Rotunda Studios, but of everyone's work in further bettering ourselves and the Rotunda!

Before I finish my last Rotunda “article,” I want to say a quick thank you to a few people who have impacted me during my time here.

To my parents: thank you for all the love, support and sacrifices you have made to get me to this point.

To Maeleigh, Rebecca, Amanda P., Beth, and Catherine: thanks for being the best SQUAD a girl could ask for. These four years would haven’t been the same without y’all and I know y’all are gonna rock as nurses!

To Amanda H.: Thanks for being my wrestling buddy, embracing Sons of Anarchy (even if I didn’t embrace The Walking Dead), and just being an amazing friend.

To my AMB Fam: thank you for taking a chance on a shy kid who didn’t have much confidence at first. Continue to spread that Longwood pride and rock the blue and khaki!

To the COMMunity: Thank you to faculty, staff and students for all that you have taught me. I know that wherever I go, the lessons I have learned here have prepared me for whatever happens next.

To my fellow Rotunda-ers: thank you for letting me be my crazy self (and allowing me to share my “Lion King” obsession). Thanks for believing in me and pushing me to do better, especially Halle, my goofy yet fearless friend; Christine, who I will always bug about food choices; “Dr. Awesome” Clint Wright for being awesome and of course, Professor Halliday for all of the critique, advice and support.

And to paraphrase the great “Stone Cold” Steve Austin: And that’s the bottom line ‘cause Payton said so!