Editor's note: The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.
Former United States Vice President Joe Biden announced his campaign for the 2020 presidential race on April 25, despite recent concern of his credibility being up for debate.
Having worked in the White House, Biden is undoubtedly more than qualified for the position as president. It's no surprise Biden has held many governmental positions that have allowed him to broaden his background and his touch.
However, that may be his downfall.
News of his run has been in speculation for a few weeks now, but so has his personal life which has merged with his work life.
Coming to the surface just after weeks prior to his expected announcement of his presidential candidacy, which occurred this past week, Biden has been at the forefront of a #MeToo scandal as the alleged perpetrator of unwanted physical harassment by more than a few women.
Ranging from a White House intern Vail Kohnert-Yount, congressional aide Amy Lappos, journalist D.J. Hill to a former university student Caitlyn Caruso, ex-Capitol Hill staffer Ally Coll and a survivor of sexual assault Sofie Karasek. These women have come forward to express their uncomfortable interactions with the well-known politician.
As of most recently, democratic political candidate Lucy Flores publicly shared her story as she penned an article for the New York Times where she thoroughly describes her uncomfortable encounter with Biden back in 2014. Such encounters were engulfed in inappropriate touching and actions—hand placement on her neck and shoulders, smelling her hair and kissing her forehead.
In efforts to reclaim his image, but by the same token minimize these womens’ allegations, Biden counteracted these allegations.
According to CNN he stated, “In my many years on the campaign trail and in public life, I have offered countless handshakes, hugs, expressions of affection, support and comfort. And not once - never - did I believe I acted inappropriately. If it is suggested I did so, I will listen respectfully. But it was never my intention."
However, over the course of many years, women have gone from silent to resilient, yet in turn, women have become innately dismissed, and quite frankly Biden’s response completely undermines these seven women’s experiences.
In doing so, his efforts to rebuild and reclaim his image may have truly gone unnoticed, much like these ongoing occurrences of women being subjected to the mistreatment made by a trusted male-counterpart. Furthermore, let’s not pretend asserted male power and dominance doesn’t exist in this patriarchal society today and hasn’t made its way onto the seat of the White House—because it indeed has.
Reigning as the current United States President, Trump’s 2016 Presidential campaign primarily ran off the basis of racist, narcissistic, misogynistic and sexist remarks, which has yet to discontinue. However, during his campaign, a 2005 tape resurfaced of number 45 proudly saying the vulgar-esque comment “grab them by the pussy“ in a failed attempt to pursue a woman. Therefore, years later his misogynistic behavior, attitude and overall disregard of respect towards and for women has won him a seat in the house, so perhaps Biden will fit right in.
As his credibility has come into question, there’s a substantial amount of concern of whether he’s even fit to run the nation, so will Biden be your 46?