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The Rotunda
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Senior Column: Alaina Jacques, Rotunda Studios staff

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“Welcome back to News Break, I’m Alaina Jacques” - those are the words that started my journey with The Rotunda, a journey I will be forever grateful for. However, if you so graciously stumble across the first News Break in the re-vamping of Rotunda Studios, please, I am begging you, do not share it with your friends.

The young, inexperienced, deer in headlights to the right, is me. Now yes I am probably being a little hard on myself, but luckily through working persistently each semester, I have grown and improved considerably and I have The Rotunda to thank for that.

For the last two years I have worked so diligently to tell the stories of Longwood University in a timely, professional and creative manner. I have sat at the news desk with my best friend since day one, Nicole Del Rosario, reporting on news each week. The laughs, the tears, and the late nights editing have been so worth it, since it meant I got to be doing what I love with the people I love.

I have had incredible opportunities, getting the chance to report on astonishing stories here. I have interviewed influential students on campus who are creating a change and making a difference. I have met incredible people who are making an impact all over the country and who brought that inspiration to Longwood. The relationships I have created with others on the campus I owe to The Rotunda as well. Covering a story, I am recognized for my work and the positive feedback I’ve received brings me so much joy, just knowing I am doing my part.

Writing this right now brings so many emotions to the surface. These last two years with The Rotunda have been some I’ll never forget. It is so strange and heartbreaking to leave the place I have called home for four years, walking into a future that is unknown for me. There will be no late nights in the French edit suites anymore, no more lugging camera equipment across campus, and no more Monday night meetings. Having said that, I am really excited to grow and to see where life takes me in this next chapter in my life.

So thank to The Rotunda for all of the opportunities, friends, and experiences you have given me, I will never forget you and I’ll be forever grateful.

I’m Alaina Jacques and that was On The Record.