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The Rotunda Online
The Rotunda
Thursday, March 13, 2025

Senior Column: Erin Eaton, former managing editor

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When I first came to Longwood, I never anticipated being committed to anything other than my education. However, being in the communication studies program, we were more than encouraged to get involved on campus. At first, I thought I wanted to be a writer so where else to go but The Rotunda? It was the perfect fit, but not for the reasons I initially thought.

I started by writing a basic 500-word features article about Dr. Jordan’s Bonfire but quickly realized I was more captivated by the newspaper itself. It was like any old newspaper, really, and like most newspapers it looked a little outdated so instead I decided to join the layout staff to help improve our design. That little bit of determination grew into a passion I never expected.

It pushed me to take our newspaper layout to the next level with a more modern magazine design. That’s one of my biggest and proudest accomplishments in my time here at Longwood and it wasn’t easy. The amount of trial and error we went through was tedious and frustrating at times but more rewarding each week as I learned how to improve. That’s my biggest take away from this organization: you’re never done improving yourself and your talents.

As I progressed in my digital media concentration, I discovered my love for media overall and The Rotunda gave me the opportunity to truly immerse myself in more than just design when I became managing editor. This role allowed me to learn so much more not only about the logistics of a news organization but as well as the hard-working people behind it. I developed incredible relationships with some of the most passionate people at Longwood. They are my biggest supporters on my darkest days and my inspiration to constantly improve my work.

To them I’d like to say: never stop pushing yourself. This organization is meant to be a learning experience and a place to grow. Challenge yourself and then do some more because that’s how you grow. Tell the stories that scare you the most because they are the most important. Longwood needs all of you to be the voice of the students.

I never would have thought that going to one Monday meeting my freshman year would give me a whole family. I wouldn’t be who I am today without The Rotunda. Thank you all for an unforgettable four years.