The Rotunda
Funds are to send three members to the College Media Association Spring National College Media Convention.
Vice President Catherine Swinsky made a friendly amendment to the line three item "Hotel" to lower it from $1,484 to $1,000. This was due to research being done which found a cheaper hotel only four minutes away from the conference site. This amendment was accepted.
Swinksy then made a friendly amendment to strike line item five and six "Train to NY" and "Return to Charlottesville" and add in a new line item titled "Greyhound Bus Roundtrip", which would amount to $250. The amendment was accepted.
$1,450 was allocated.
Last week's discussion on the WMLU allocation for the Bandfest event was continued.
Representatives returned to provide a further breakdown into their line one item "Security".
The amount stood at $3,000 for their overall budget for the line item, but the organization requested additional funds for the line item to cover additional security needed for the event.
Due to the price breakdown given, it was deemed that their allocated budget was enough to cover the expense. However, if other funds were needed, WMLU could pursue reallocation processes.
A total of $3,000 was allocated to WMLU to cover their line two item,"Sound, Lights and Stage."
President Haleigh Pannell discusses the allocation request from The Rotunda.