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The Rotunda
Thursday, January 30, 2025



Longwood Marijuana Disciplinary Sanction Reduced

Longwood University has chosen to lessen their minimum sanction for a first time marijuana offense. In the past, the University has always held suspension from school as their minimum offense; however, effective this fall the new minimum sanction is disciplinary probation. “We have been talking about ...

The Setonian

Pimentel’s Trial Continued to February

Longwood junior basketball player Jason Pimentel’s preliminary hearing has been continued to Feb. 2, 2015. According to Virginia law, a continuance is the postponement of a hearing or trial, at the request of either or both parties in the case, or by the judge. Pimentel was arrested Nov. 5 and charged ...

The Setonian

Registration Hassle For Spring of 2015

Nov. 11 marked the last registering date for the upcoming spring semester, but was only the beginning of a possible struggle for students in order for them to complete their new schedules. “Classes fill up really fast,” said Longwood Registrar, Vikki Levine. Even though this is common information, ...

The Setonian

Owner Assaulted in Robbery at Mickey 7

The owner of Mickey 7, a small business in Farmville, Virginia, was robbed at gunpoint the night of Nov.13, 2014 according to a press release that was authorized by Chief Doug Mooney. According to the press release, the owner of the business was approached by three males in the parking lot at closing ...

The Setonian

WMLU Talks Money

As WMLU moves to their new studio located in the renovated building of French Hall, the members and DJs get ready to continue working with their brand new equipment that was given to them by the Student Government Association (SGA) through tuition payments and donations. The radio station received the ...


SGA Closing Thoughts on Fall Semester

The Student Government Association’s (SGA) Student Finance Committee (SFC) report moved to allocate $8,550 to Lancer Productions for putting funds “to better use” for monthly events, Treasurer Jessica Darst explained. Motion passed. Money allocations set for $320.94 for the lighting of the Christmas ...


SGA Speaks to Master Plan Committee

The Student Government Association (SGA) picked up with Senator Constance Garner handing the presentation of the Rowe Award to Senator Justin Parker. President Joseph Gills invited Longwood campus Master Plan committee to speak on behalf of the latest details and plans to move forward on campus construction ...

The Setonian

The Rape Kit Petition

Centra Southside Community Hospital is still not offering rape kits, in Farmville. Upon hearing about this issue, the College Republicans of Longwood University Club decided that they were going to do something to address this issue. The club has decided to start a petition to try and encourage Centra ...

The Setonian

Missing Rape Kits at Centra a Concern to the Community

The local media has discussed the issue over the lack of rape kits at Centra Southside Community Hospital in recent weeks, gaining the attention of the Farmville community, as well as the hospital’s employees. Currently, there are no forensic nurses employed at the Southside location. Forensic nurses ...

The Setonian

Alpha Chi Rho is Back on Campus

SGA voted the fraternity of Alpha Chi Rho back on campus earlier this semester, finally ending their four year suspension. According to a Rotunda article published in 2010, the Longwood University Judicial Board was brought the case of the chapter having a hazing violation, the chapter pled and was ...

The Setonian

Longwood Title IX Reports Skyrocket

According to Longwood Vice President of Student Affairs Tim Pierson, there have been over 40 reports involving issues of Title IX during the fall 2014 semester. Pierson said the entire 2013-14 school year brought forward only 36 reports total. Though there are more reports, Pierson said they fully expected ...


Demolition of the Cunninghams Began Monday

The demolition of the Cunninghams marks the end of Longwood campus` old master plan and the beginning of a new one. Destruction on the dorm building began at 9:00 A.M. on Monday, Nov. 10 and is scheduled to finish by late December or early January. Work on the Cunningham’s deconstruction was both ...


SGA: WMLU Addresses Concerns

The Student Government Association (SGA) meeting opened with the presentation of the Rowe Award, last week’s Freshman Class Representative, Dustyn Hall, presented the award to Senator Constance Garner.             WMLU radio station representatives, ...

The Setonian

The Struggle that is Financial Aid

Around the nation, colleges and universities can vary in many different ways from the size of their educational focuses. The one thing that they all have in common is the inconvenience of tuition prices. The price of receiving higher education is rising around the country and this has lead to a heavier ...


Stampede Coming Your Way!

Longwood’s drum line is back and ready to perform for the Longwood’s student body at basketball games. The school’s very own drum line, also known as Longwood’s Stampede, is a fairly new program that started in 2013. Chris Thomas, director of percussion worked hard to put the drum line where ...

The Setonian

The Increasing Issue of Commuter Parking

Why are there fewer commuters’ parking spots this year? Why are parking passes so expensive?  Numerous students around campus have asked these questions. At the start of the 2014-2015 school year, there were a lot of changes being made – parking being a one of them. There are many students ...

The Setonian

Card Access in Wygall Hall

The grey side door leading into the first floor of Wygal has not been opening, neither is the red door that opens to the staircase and the two grey double doors are locked shut. While this would be considered annoying for some, for music majors, this is a constant struggle that they must deal with. ...

The Setonian

Health & Wellness Center Operates with Low Staff

The Health and Wellness Center is operating with low staff numbers and they rely on those staff members to work longer hours. The reason for low staff can be found in the lack of funds to hire additional nurse practitioners, registered nurses and administrative assistants. Currently, the Center is staffed ...