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The Rotunda
Wednesday, March 12, 2025


The Setonian

If You See a Red Flag, Say Something

"He makes me think I'm fat and stupid and no one else would want me." "She doesn't let me hang out with friends. She says she should be enough." "He said if I really loved him, I'd have sex with him." These are just a couple of examples of red flags in relationships, and campuses all over the country ...

The Setonian

Flu Season: Stay Healthy, Stay Aware

While walking around campus, it is not rare for Longwood students to come across others stricken with a cough, a sneeze, a runny nose or a high temperature. Knowing the differences between a cold and a flu and knowing how to keep oneself healthy during flu season are essential during these last few ...


Media and Politics Just Don't Mix

I will be the first to admit that I don't follow political updates on a regular basis. However, when I recently tuned in to the latest news, I came across a couple of news reports on an up and coming GOP candidate that has been pretty familiar with the motions for running for the GOP bid for president. ...


Fighting Cancer One Cell at a Time

Blackwell Talks began the semester with an exploration in biology, and that's how they ended as well. On Monday, Dr. Amorette Barber, assistant professor of biology, presented on "Immune Cells: New soldiers in the war against cancer. " Barber is in her first year with the biology department and came ...

The Setonian

SGA Discusses Student Debt at Meeting

Virginia 21 Deputy Director Brittney Tyler joined the Tuesday meeting of the Student Government Association to discuss a new campaign called "What's Your Number?" Virginia 21 is a lobby group for issues pertinent to higher education, and the new campaign is to raise awareness about student debt. Campuses ...

The Setonian

Whats Your Number Campaign

Virginia21 is launching a new campaign called "What's Your Number?" Virginia21 is a lobby group for issues pertinent to higher education, and the new campaign is to raise awareness about student debt. Campuses across the Commonwealth are hosting rallies and petitions to encourage Governor Bob McDonnell ...

The Setonian

SGA Discusses Student Debt at Meeting

Virginia 21 Deputy Director Brittney Tyler joined the Tuesday meeting of the Student Government Association to discuss a new campaign called "What's Your Number?" Virginia 21 is a lobby group for issues pertinent to higher education, and the new campaign is to raise awareness about student debt. Campuses ...

The Setonian

Louisa Stronger than Ever

We are often asked the question, "What will you tell your kids about your life?" Sometimes the answer to this is rather silly or possibly very in-depth. Our answers depend solely on our culture or geography. Maybe we are inspired to tell them of events that happened in our childhood or when we were ...

The Setonian

News Briefs

Saudi Arabia Vows to Dispel Claims in Assassination Plot According to Fox News, Saudi Arabian officials vowed last Thursday to pursue a "measured response" to the Iran-backed plot to "assassinate its ambassador in the United States." Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister, Prince Saud al-Faisa, told Austrian ...