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The Rotunda
Wednesday, February 5, 2025


The Setonian

Don't Vote Hillary

As we come closer to the end of March, the leading candidates for the Democratic and Republican parties are Hillary Clinton with (insert # of states here after Tuesday primaries) and Donald Trump with (insert # of states here). On the Democratic side of the primaries, when it comes down to choosing ...

The Setonian

Construction on Longwood’s Campus – striving for growth

If you haven’t heard of President Reveley’s new master plan by now, you must have spent the past year under a rock. If you look out of a window in almost any main campus building, you can see some parts of the plan are already underway. Despite all of the construction that is going on right now, ...

The Setonian

Under Construction

If you have been even mildly conscious since last year, you may have perhaps noticed all the construction that is taking place around campus. There is really no way to miss it, as there seems to be a major development on every side of our school. All of these new expansions are part of President Reevley’s ...

The Setonian

How to deal with relationship issues

With February drawing to a close, and Valentine's Day having just recently passed, (thank God) I’m sure many people still have romance on the mind and now is as good a time as any to remind you that relationships take work, people. Welcome to yet another weekly Rotunda Row, where I, your friendly ...

The Setonian

Relationship issues – Female perspective

The few weeks after Valentine’s Day is a time when love is on the mind. Just after being reminded to openly appreciate your significant other, people tend to focus more on their relationship than they were previously. During these times, issues with your significant other can often be highlighted. ...

The Setonian

Interconnected kiddies.

We’ve all seen it, young kids totally engrossed in cell phones, iPads, or some other device, and every time us old people think, “Well gosh golly gee wiz, we didn’t have these fancy fangled eye telephones when we were kids. Back in my day, kids used to socialize and run around outside, and everything ...

The Setonian

Children and cellphones - no

Every year the age that the average child receives a cellphone becomes lower and lower. According to a survey by Child Guide Magazine, the average age that an American receives a cellphone is six years old. Having a cell phone can be really useful at any age because it helps people connect with each ...

The Setonian

It's Valentine's Day: Do you feel the love?

Four days from now will be the most stereotypically romantic day of the year: Valentine’s Day. There are a lot of mixed feelings about this holiday. A lot of people don’t like it because they feel like it emphasizes their lack of significant other. Some also don’t enjoy the holiday because, although ...

The Setonian

Accents are beautiful – don’t be a jerk

“Say vote.” She snickered. “Now say gloves.” She looked over at her friends, rolling her eyes and laughing. “Say friend.” I remember sitting across from this scene, appalled that there was such blatant bullying taking place among a group of women in their fifties. Three of them were singling ...

The Setonian

It's Valentine's Day: not really

Happy Singles Awareness Day! Err, no wait… Happy Capitalism Day!! Or maybe it is Happy Appreciate the Person You Love Day (even though you should do that every day, anyway?) Whatever you choose to call it, Valentine's Day is almost upon us. Oh boy. If you couldn’t tell from my characteristically ...

The Setonian


Sometimes it is used for feeding animals or irrigating crops. Meanwhile, we use it daily for showering, brushing our teeth, doing the laundry, cleaning our rooms and having fun during summer: Water is an essential resource in our life and yet, we do not duly take care of it. According to the U.S Geological ...

The Setonian

Culture Shock Here in Virginia

“Your parents don’t look alike . . . how did that happen?” I remember hearing that inquiry my first day here at Longwood University. I remember laughing off that question, thinking it was a joke. Then I was asked, “what are you?” These types of questions have become a sort of novelty for me ...

The Setonian

Is it a big deal to burn a couch? – An issue inflamed

Each year during university closings due to snow, students will crowd around a couch and watch it burn in anticipation of a day without classes. While I’m sure that there is some amount of thrill that comes with the destruction of a piece of furniture, it’s a really bad idea. Burning a couch is ...

The Setonian

Is it really a big deal to burn a couch? - Fire at will

So we’ve all heard the stories before. It’s the same deal every single year. “Oh deary me, those darned hooligans burning couches are putting ketchup stains on Longwood’s tuxedo shirt” or whatever. The idea behind this tradition is that to celebrate the first day of no classes due to snow, ...

The Setonian

How to spend a wintery day

Snowmageddon is upon us everyone! Snowstorm Juan or whomever he was (I put a lot of research into my writing, if you can’t tell) has wreaked havoc on the East Coast. Farmville got a light dusting compared to more northern states, such as New York, which had to shut down its roads entirely. I realize ...

The Setonian

How to spend a wintery day

The first snow day of the year hit Longwood with full force last weekend. Students huddled up inside their rooms as over nine inches of snow blanketed Farmville, according to the Farmville Herald. The university was closed on Friday, and many establishments were closed Friday and Saturday as well, leaving ...

The Setonian

Call it a Christmas tree

Merry whosawhateveryoucelebrate, everybody! The Holiday Season is upon us. This means family, good food, pretty lights, and a nice long break! Let me set the scene. You walk into your house after getting home for winter break. The air is cold and your breath is wispy in front of your face. Venturing ...

The Setonian

Naming Longwood’s annual Holiday Tree

The holiday season has begun, and every year it is called into question whether or not one should be politically correct with their holiday greetings or stick with the old “Merry Christmas!” For Longwood University, this can be a rather heated debate. Every year around this time, the lighting of ...

The Setonian

Letter to Editor

I woke up at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015 in Hiner 207. No, I didn’t pull an all-nighter grading papers or working on a publication. I woke up because two of my students saw me in the D-hall and handed me an invitation to a discussion hosted by the Black Student Association and Phi Beta Sigma ...