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The Rotunda
Thursday, March 13, 2025

Megan Gary | Features Staff | @longwoodrotunda

GRAPHIC: Data on sexual assault

A deep dive into Title IX

“We had a young lady, and this was 25 years ago. She was in Curry Hall. She was abducted by a student, or what we believe was a student, held captive for a couple of days, sexually assaulted multiple times and eventually stabbed,“ said Longwood Police Chief Col. Robert Beach. And the university ...

The Setonian

Humans of Longwood: Sara Robertson and Taylor Thomas-Harris

Sara Robertson was in a car accident in her early teens that left her paralyzed from the belly-button down. Taylor Thomas-Harris was born with cerebral palsy. Both women's disabilities have inspired them to seek degrees in social work.    Sara: "I chose social work because I would like to ...


Humans of Longwood: Hunter Purcell

“I started off as a volunteer. I would go in and help detainees go through worksheets and just kind of learn about different things. (I would) answer any questions that they would have. As I kept going, my first semester there I began teaching this lower level English group ... “Volunteering at ...

The Setonian

Promiscuity or artistry? (EMBARGO)

As the new dancers swayed, their lengthy skirts jingled when the elements of their decorated hip scarves happily clashed during the routine. Their midriff bare, the Longwood Company of Belly Dance wore sports bras, common practice regalia to save their "costume bras" for performances.  The sports ...


Sarah Eggleston: Full-time student and full-time mother

As the communication sciences and disorders students straggle out of phonetics class on Tuesday, junior Sarah Eggleston was easy to pick out. Of all of the students, she was the only one pushing a stroller. Eggleston's daughter, Joyce, was born in April. When most of her peers were overwhelmed about ...

NAACP logo

Discuss, educate, understand: Inside look at Longwood’s NAACP

Kamarin Bradley is in the minority at Longwood. She’s a self-described morning person who doesn’t mind 8 a.m. classes and isn’t one for sleeping in on the weekends. She’s also a minority as one of the nine percent of African-American students at Longwood, which is a PWI, or a predominantly white ...


Grant Avent: The man behind dining hall

Students at Longwood University may know Grant Avent, or at least have seen his familiar face around the dining hall, Java City, or any of the other dining locations on campus. Avent came to Farmville 12 years ago, for a job interview at Longwood, even though he was happy working for Aramark at Winthrop ...

Big Siblings

Longwood Big Siblings: A small picture organization

The mission of the Big Siblings program at Longwood University is to “touch the lives of children who may need encouragement and support otherwise offered by older siblings.”  The program pairs Longwood students with children at Prince Edward County Elementary School. In previous years, Big ...

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